
This is a list of all postdocs, graduate students, and a few of the 100+ undergraduate students the lab director has supervised. Each entry lists also the thesis topic. Co-supervision marked as applicable. Undergraduate students were typically involved in project courses, equivalent to Honours thesis projects at other institutions. Please send W. Stuerzlinger a message if we forgot to list you or if your affiliation has changed!

Past Postdoctoral Researchers

  • Swaroop Panda, Visual Analytics, Simon Fraser University, now faculty member at Northumbria University at Newcastle
  • Anil Ufuk Batmaz, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Simon Fraser University, now faculty member at Concordia University
  • Ali Sarvghad, Visual Analytics, Simon Fraser University, now faculty member at Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Andriy Pavlovych, Building a New Virtual Environment System, York University, now instructor
  • Ahmed S. Arif, Error Behaviours in Natural User Interfaces, York University, now faculty member at UC Merced
  • Greg Pintilie, An Evaluation of Interactive and Automated Next Best View Methods in 3D Scanning, York University, now research associate at Stanford
  • Sushil Bhakar, Automated Next Best View Methods for 3D Scanning, York University, now teaching fellow at Concordia

Past PhD Students (& Current External PhD Students)

  • Jorge Wagner Filho, Designing and Evaluating Immersive Analytics Environments for Spatio-Temporal Data, ongoing co-supervision with Luciana Nedel, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  • Jong-In Lee, Navigation in Multiscale Virtual Environments in Virtual Reality, now working as creative technologist
  • Ohoud Alharbi, Text Entry and Error Correction on Touchscreens, now faculty member at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
  • Junwei Sun, Object Sliding and Beyond: Investigating Object Manipulation in 3D User Interfaces, now researcher at in a large telecommunication company
  • Mayra Barrera Machuca, Towards More Accurate Immersive 3D Sketching, won the 2021 IEEE VGTC Best Dissertation Award, now faculty member at Dalhousie University
  • Maha El Meseery, Visual analytics, †
  • Loutfouz Zaman, User Interfaces and Difference Visualizations for Alternatives, York University, now faculty member at Ontario Tech University
  • Arindam Das, ACT-R Models for Learning of Interactive Layouts, York University, currently instructor
  • Stanislaw Zabramski, Creating Digital Traces of Ideas: Evaluation of Computer Input Methods in Creative and Non-Creative Drawing, co-supervised with Else Nygren, Uppsala University
  • Ahmed S. Arif, Reducing the Impact of Errors in Text Entry, York University, now faculty member at UC Merced
  • Rob Teather, Evaluating 3D Pointing Techniques, York University, now faculty member at Carleton
  • Hoda Dehmeshki, Design and Evaluation of Perceptual-based Object Group Selection Techniques, York University, senior user experience lead at large financial cooperation
  • Andriy Pavlovych, Lag, Spatial Jitter, and Dropouts in Human Pointing Performance, York University, now sessional instructor
  • Jiyoung/Ji-Young Oh, Desktop 3D Conceptual Design Systems, York University, now interaction designer at a large internet company

Past MSc Students (all with research theses)

  • Bill (Di) Zhao, A Novel Bare-Handed Manipulation Technique for Distant Objects in Virtual Reality, Simon Fraser University
  • Ayaskant Panigrahi, On-Arm Body Centered 3D User Interfaces, Simon Fraser University
  • Eneas Holanda Arrais, Understanding the Effect of Diminished Reality Screen Filters, Simon Fraser University
  • Mohammad Rajabi Seraji, HybridAxes: Cross-virtuality Analytics for Multi-dimensional Visualizations, Simon Fraser University
  • Son Nguyen-Quang, abandoned thesis
  • Kevin Huang, Seeking out Worrying Information: How and Why Individuals Engage with an Online “Doomer” Community, Simon Fraser University
  • Vera Bao, Errors? Not Too Worrisome. Exploring the Effects of Errors in Speech Transcription, Simon Fraser University
  • Elham Sadr, Design and Evaluation of a New Editor for Responsive Graphical User Interfaces, Simon Fraser University
  • Johanna Kneifel, changed supervisors
  • Supratim Chakraborty, VizInteract: Rapid Data Exploration using Multi-Touch and Interactive Construction of Multidimensional Visualizations, Simon Fraser University, now working as a UX Manager at Evercommerce.
  • Xintian Sun, Eye-Hand Coordination Training in Virtual Reality, Simon Fraser University
  • Duc-Minh Pham, Input Devices in Immersive Environments, Simon Fraser University, now software developer
  • Gökhan Çetin, Visual Analytics on Large Displays: Exploring User Spatialization and How Size and Resolution Affect Task Performance, Simon Fraser University, now working for Amazon
  • Renee (Yuyao) Wu, DynDash: Multiple Coordinated Dashboards for Exploratory Data Analysis, Simon Fraser University, now software developer
  • Domokos Papoi, Automatic Speed Control for Navigation in 3D Virtual Environment, York University, now senior software developer
  • Michelle Brown, In-air Un-instrumented Pointing Performance, York University, now at e-commerce company
  • Doug Scheurich, Object Manipulation and Navigation in 3D Virtual Environments, York University, now senior software developer at large financial cooperation
  • Bhavna Agarwal, WidgetLens: Interaction Through a Looking Glass, York University, now software developer for major advertising company
  • Dmitri Shuralyov, Slide: A User-friendly System for Rapid and Precise Object Placement, York University, currently a senior software engineer in California
  • Behrooz Ashtiani, 2D and 3D Rigid Object Transformation on Multi-Touch Surfaces, York University, now research staff at very large database company
  • Loutfouz Zaman, A New User Interface for Cloning Objects in Drawing Systems, York University, continued with PhD
  • Darius Dadgari, Versioning and Merging Methods for Text and Diagrams, York University, now IT specialist at major labor union
  • Rob Teather, Comparing 2D and 3D Direct Manipulation Interfaces, York University, continued with PhD
  • Adriano Scoditti, A New Layout Method for Graphics User Interfaces, MSc at Politecnico Torino, Italy, now software developer in France
  • Dustin Phillips, Improving Mouse-Based Text Selection Interfaces, York University, now book author and independent software developer/consultant
  • Alexey Tumanov, Variability-Aware Latency Amelioration in Distributed Interactive Virtual Environments, York University, co-supervised with R. Allison, now faculty member at Georgia Tech
  • Sergey Kulikov, Analysing and Modeling GUI Selection Techniques, York University, currently developer at software lifecycle management company
  • Andrejs Vorozcovs, The Hedgehog: A Novel Optical Tracking Method for Spatially Immersive Displays, York University, now VP software at engineering company
  • Zhifeng Wei, Animation of Large Point-Sampled Models, York University, software developer
  • Grigori Yourganov, Expansion of the Dynamic Range of a Digital Video Camera, York University, now research associate at Baycrest/UoT
  • Paul Wang, Research and Development of a GIServices Engine for 3D Visualization and Analysis, York University, co-supervised with V. Tao, now software developer at very large software company
  • Andriy Pavlovych, Text Entry on 12-Button Keypads: Techniques and Models, York University, continued with PhD
  • Szymon Stachniak, A Framework for Editing of Fractal Terrains, York University, now senior software engineer at very large software company
  • Sergey Parilov, Real-Time Rendering of Large Point-Sampled Scenes, York University, now project lead at game studio
  • Graham Smith, Multi-User Constraint Based 3D Scene Construction, York University, now COO of a game company in Toronto
  • Tim Salzman, Constraint Based 3D Scene Construction, York University, now CTO at enterprise software company
  • Michael Gösele, Interactive Construction of Three-dimensional Scenes, Univ. of Ulm, Dipl.-Inf., was faculty member and professor at TU Darmstadt, now at Facebook
  • Robert Lintner, Hidden Line Algorithm for NURBS, Dipl.-Ing., Univ. of Linz, now CTO of a software company
  • Günther Freudenthaler, Object Oriented Generic Computer Graphics Toolkit, Dipl.-Ing., Univ. of Linz, now software lead
  • Josef Bramsteidl, Ray Tracing of trimmed NURBS Surfaces Dipl.-Ing., Univ. of Linz
  • Thomas Nöhammer, Global Illumination with Particle Tracing, Dipl.-Ing., Univ. of Linz
  • Christoph Wild, Parallel Radiosity, Dipl.-Ing., Univ. of Linz
  • Helmut Lindner, Benchmarks for Graphic Displays, Dipl.-Ing., Univ. of Linz, now CEO of a software company
  • Roland Weber, Speedup Methods for Ray Tracing, Dipl.-Ing., Vienna Univ. of Technology
  • Werner Gruber, CSG-BSP Conversion, Dipl.-Ing. Vienna Univ. of Technology
  • Jacqueline Maas, Ray Tracing of Sweeps, Dipl.-Ing., Vienna Univ. of Technology
  • Wilhelm Pitzeier, Ray Tracing of Polyhedra, Dipl.-Ing., Vienna Univ. of Technology, now senior project manager
  • Robert Groß, Ray Tracing of Bezier- and B-Spline Surfaces, Dipl.-Ing., co-supervised with W. Barth, Vienna Univ. of Technology
  • Wolfgang Kiendl, Ray Tracing of Bezier- and B-Spline Surfaces, Dipl.-Ing., co-supervised with W. Barth, Vienna Univ. of Technology

Note: A Dipl.-Ing. degree in the Austrian system can be considered equivalent to an M.Sc. degree in the North American system.

Graduate Students Advised in an Informal Capacity

  • Paul Bergmanis, MSc not completed, York University
  • Gilles Pouliquen, PhD not completed, York University
  • Rui Bastos, Table Driven Rendering of Globally Illuminated Scenes, PhD, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Gernot Schaufler, Rendering Complex Virtual Environments, PhD, Univ. of Linz
  • Heinz Herbeck, Explanation Component for Endgames in Computer Chess, PhD, Vienna Univ. of Technology
  • Christoph Traxler, Ray Tracing of Fractals with CSG-Automata, Dipl.-Ing., Vienna Univ. of Technology
  • Roland Lieger, Ray Tracing of Parametric Surfaces, Dipl.-Ing., Vienna Univ. of Technology

Selected Past Interns, Undergraduate Research Associates, Notable Course Projects, Visitors, and Volunteers

  • Xianlei Li, Augmented Reality Menu, Mitacs Globalink intern
  • Rumeysa Turkmen, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Ecem Gelmez, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Moaaz Hudhud Mughrabi, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Furkan Kaya, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Jasmeet Kaur, 3D menu systems, Directed studies course project
  • Priyanga Durairaj, Immersive Analytics, Mitacs Globalink intern
  • Afshan Ahmed, Errors in Speech Recognition, Mitacs Globalink intern
  • Yanqing Peng, AR System, Mitacs GlobaLink intern
  • Rebecca Singh, New User Interfaces for Calendars, undergrad student, NSERC USRA
  • Kevin Qu, EEG event detection during user interaction, high-school student
  • Nicholas Liang, AR display system, undergrad student
  • Nhi Nguyen, Marielle Wall, and Julia Yee, winner of the UX by Students award at Vancouver UX Awards for their Spring 2021 IAT 334 project, co-supervised together with Mohammad Rajabi Seraji (TA).
  • Nour AlAmoudi, Thoufeeq Ahamed, Sherlaine Lau, VR Shopping User Interface, CDM Master's project
  • Alireza Barkhordari, Visual Analytics, research associate
  • Sebastian Blum, Immersive Analytics
  • Yang Zhang, Passive learning, undergrad, SFU
  • Nick Doering, Passive learning, undergrad, SFU
  • Dan McVeigh, finishing his CS degree at SFU
  • Duc-Minh Pham, continued as a MSc student at SFU
  • Tran Quang-Tanh, did MSc in Korea.
  • Christian Neugebauer, now back in Germany.
  • Dayson Nywton, now back in Brazil.
  • Euclides de Mendonca, now back in Brazil.
  • Goldie Srulovich, now BSc student at York,
  • Harleen Kaur, now BSc student in India
  • Ashish Kalra, now software engineer in India
  • Benedikt Iltisberger, now software developer in Germany
  • Andreas Blomeyer, now software developer in Switzerland
  • Silke Seidenschnur, now software developer in Switzerland
  • Daniel Orner, co-supervised with P. Ritvo, now MSc student at York
  • Paul Titus, currently teaching at a college
  • Olivier St-Cyr, now faculty member at University of Toronto
  • Pantelis Elinas, now research fellow at Univ. of Sydney
  • Max Garber, now CTO in a game company