A listing of older news items around the work in the VVISE lab and its previous instantiation.
I was interviewed about how typing has evolved over time, aired on Jan 8, 2022 on GlobalTV.
Our research project around digital twinning with the NRC was featured in an announcement around the NRC-SFU collaboration.
I received a Distinguished Research award from the Faculty of Communication, Arts and Technology in Fall 2020.
Ohoud Alharbi was a finalist in the pitch competition in the award-winning SFU Beedie/Mitacs Invention to Innovation (i2I) training program
Ohoud Alharbi's work on WiseType received a M. Sweeney Best Student HCI Paper Award at Graphics Interface 2019.
Members of my lab collaborated with Boeing on a project for future Augmented Reality systems for aircraft maintenance. Our work contributed new interaction methods to enable users to manually fix the pose of the aircraft in situations where the machine learning approach fails to return a correct (enough) result.
At IEEE VR 2020, we presented a paper on the effects of passive haptics in VR and AR.
We published a new, efficient way to quickly define constraints for 3D manipulation in VR at ACM UIST 2019.
At IEEE VIS 2019, we published a paper on an evaluation of space-time cubes in an immersive analytics system.
A paper on the Effect of Spatial Ability on Immersive 3D Drawing was published at ACM Creativity & Cognition 2019.
Wolfgang Stuerzlinger gave a keynote on "Better User Interfaces for Occasionally Failing Technologies", discussing effects of recognition-based technologies, such as auto-correct, voice & gesture recognition, and lane departure warnings, on user performance and new solutions at Graphics Interface 2019.
Two papers appeared at Graphics Interface 2019: One on method to facilitate the selection and positioning of hidden objects in virtual 3D environments and another on A new tablet keyboard with color-coded visualizations and better editing options to correct errors (WiseType). WiseType also won a Michael J Sweeney Best Student HCI Paper Award.
Four papers appeared at ACM CHI 2019:
Our work on a back-of-device force feedback to improve touch screen interaction for mobile devices has been accepted at Transactions on Haptics.
Mayra Barrera's research on sketching systems was illustrated in a video.
A paper on the effect of stereo display deficiencies in head-mounted AR and VR displays on 3D pointing appeared at IEEE VR 2019.
Two papers about audio-tactile haptic feedback and haptic guidance appeared at ACM VRST 2018.
The new Immersive Analytics book is now published!
A paper analyzing the effect of display size on Visual Analytics work appeared at BDVA 2018. It uses V4-Space, our very large display system. A second publication focusing on the utility of multiple workspaces for Visual Analytics appeared at the same event.
We exhibited TIVES, the Temporary Immersive Virtual Environment at SFU (a cheap, non-permanent CAVE) at the #BCTech Summit 2018.
Our work around a new kind of virtual reality display system was featured on the SFU home page.
A paper on a new model for steering (a cursor/pen) through successive pairs of obstacles was presented at ACM CHI 2018.
Two papers appeared at IEEE VR 2018. The first introduces two new gaze- and a cursor-based pointing methods for "wiggle 3D" displays, the second shows that even very simple reference frames improve spatial orientation.
I gave an invited talk at the Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality for Space Science and Exploration at the Keck Institute for Space Studies at JPL, Caltech.
A paper on new method to detect user reactions to incorrect auto-corrects appeared at ACM ICMI 2017.
The Visual Analytics work of Gökhan Çetin was featured in the FCAT blog.
A paper on the effects of virtual arm representations on pointing in virtual environments appeared at ACM VRST 2017.
I was part of a panel on Spatial User Interaction at ACM SUI 2017.
A paper on the automatic generation of GUI layouts for alternative screen orientations received a Reviewer's Choice award at Interact 2017.
Two papers appeared at ACM CHI 2017. One about a new characterization of the gorilla arm syndrome, press release, another about a steering model for path sequences.
Work on a new augmented reality system for visualization and presentation was presented at the Siggraph Asia Symposium on Visualization 2016.
A paper about two new, efficient 3D positioning methods (video) appeared at ACM SUI 2016. The work received a Best Demonstration Award.
W. Stuerzlinger was co-chair for a workshop on Spatial Interaction in Games, VR and AR at Interactive Surfaces and Spaces 2016.
W. Stuerzlinger gave a talk at Microsoft Research in August 2016.
W. Stuerzlinger gave a keynote at SVR 2016 in Brazil.
W. Stuerzlinger was co-chair for the Dagstuhl Seminar on Immersive Analytics in June 2016. Immersive Analytics is a novel field that builds on the best features from virtual and augmented reality and combines them with visual analytics to facilitate the analysis of big data.
Three papers appeared at CHI 2016. One about a smart, restorable backspace (video), the second on an ambient light display (video), and the third about elicitation of single-hand microgestures. The last paper has been recognized with a Best Paper Honorable Mention Award.
W. Stuerzlinger gave one of two invited talks at the Nii Shonan Seminar on Immersive Analytics in February 2016.
W. Stuerzlinger gave an invited talk at the President's Dream Colloqium on Engaging Big Data at Simon Fraser University in February 2016.
A survey on mixed-initiative visual analytics was presented at HICSS 2016.
A paper about a new method for multi-touch group selection (video) appeared at ACM ITS 2015.
A new method for 3D orbiting (video) was presented at ACM UIST 2015.
Two papers about our work on mouse cursors for 3D selection (video) and mid-air docking have appeared at ACM SUI 2015.
A new system to better support alternatives in the generative design process (video) was presented at ACM CHI 2015.
An evaluation of haptics feedback for 3D pointing was presented at IEEE 3DUI 2015.
A paper about the effects of Visual Aids in 3D Point Selection Experiments (video) appeared at ACM SUI 2014.
W. Stuerzlinger gave a keynote at CANVAS 2014 in Vancouver.
A promotional video from the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University featured W. Stuerzlinger's work in 2014.
W. Stuerzlinger was program co-chair for ACM SUI 2014, the second ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction. SUI 2014 took place in Hawaii, just before UIST 2014.
Two papers from our group got accepted at Graphics Interface 2014.
Our paper Pseudo-Pressure Detection and Its Use in Predictive Text Entry on Touchscreens got a best paper award at OzCHI 2013.
A paper about Improved selection methods for large groups of objects on interactive whiteboards appeared at ITS 2013.
A paper about a new GUI editor for constraint-based layouts appeared at UIST 2013.
W. Stuerzlinger was program co-chair for ACM SUI 2013, the first ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction. SUI 2013 took place at ICT in Los Angeles, just before SIGGRAPH 2013.
Another form of hattrick: I gave three invited keynotes, at the Touch Gesture Motion conference at SID Display Week 2013, at i-Society 2013, and at MHCI 2013.
W. Stuerzlinger gave his "IronMan 2" talk at EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, at the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, Austria and at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany in May 2013. Also at the University of Toronto, Canada in June 2013.
Another hattrick: Three full papers co-authored by various members of the group appeared in September at Interact 2013.
Our paper Pointing at 3D Target Projections with One-Eyed and Stereo Cursors was presented at CHI 2013.
W. Stuerzlinger was program co-chair for ACM VRST 2012, which took place Dec 10-12, 2012 in Toronto.
Neil Schneider from MTBS3D did an interview with me on August 31st, 2012.
W. Stuerzlinger gave his "IronMan 2" talk at the University of Aalborg, Denmark in May 2012, at the University of Würzburg, Germany, at the Universty of Western Ontario, Canada in June 2012, and at McMaster University, Canada in April 2013.
W. Stuerzlinger gave an invited talk "Stereo vs. One-Eyed Cursors and Implications for Touch Interfaces" at the Dagstuhl Seminar "Touching the 3rd Dimension" in April 2012.
Our entry to the 3D UI Contest at the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2012 titled "Escape from Meadwyn 4: A Cross-platform Environment for Collaborative Navigation Tasks" achieved 2nd place and got a Honorable Mention award.
W. Stuerzlinger gave his "Iron Man 2" talk at the HITlab NZ on December 14, 2011. I also gave this talk at the University of Otago and at the University of Auckland, New Zealand in February 2012.
Hattrick: Three full papers authored by the research group appeared in May at Graphics Interface 2011.
Some of our research on multi-touch tables was featured in a 2011 York University video.
W. Stuerzlinger gave a TEDx talk titled "'Is Iron Man 2 Right?' Re-Investigating 3D User Interfaces" on Nov 6, 2010. A video is available on YouTube.
Episode 112 of "Gadget Girlz" featured our research on simple-to-use 3D manipulation on multi-touch tables. It was aired July 1-3, 2010 on Men TV.
A paper on the Effects of Error Correction in Text Entry appeared at ACM CHI in April 2010.
W. Stuerzlinger gave a public invited lecture at the Royal Canadian Institute on Feb 14, 2010. A webcast is available on their site.
On Jan 6, 2010, I appeared on Global TV in the 6pm News Hour in a Top Story on 3D Sports.
I was on Global TV on Jan 5, 2010, in the 6pm News Hour in a Consumer SOS report on the Google Phone.
W. Stuerzlinger was part of the GRAND (Graphics, Animation and New Media) Network of Centres of Excellence, which started Jan 2010 and was active until 2015.
W. Stuerzlinger was part of the NSERC CREATE Program in Computational Approaches to Sensorimotor Transformations for the Control of Action, which started Jul 2009 and was active until 2014.
Understanding Interaction in Virtual Worlds, coverage of VERSUS project, ACM Technews, Dec 28, 2009.
W. Stuerzlinger gave an invited talk on "3D Interaction for Desktops and Games" at ACM Futureplay 2008 in Nov 2008.
W. Stuerzlinger gave a course on "3D User Interfaces: Design, Implemenation, Usability" together with 4 others at ACM CHI, March 2009.
W. Stuerzlinger was co-chair of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2008, which took place in Reno, NV, March 8-9, 2008.
Introducing Wolfgang Stuerzlinger - an Interface between Humans and Computers, Bridges, vol 16, Dec 17, 2007.
He can't wait to get your hands on it, Toronto Star, Sept 27, 2007.
Moves & Milestones, Bridges Volume 12, Dec 2006.
York Prof's Software Offers New Ways to Customize Your Computer, ACM Technews, Nov 8, 2006.
Putting the power back in the hands of computer users, Headline, YFile, Wednesday Nov 8, 2006.
User Interface Façades Video, YouTube, posted Oct 1, 2006.
York professor makes tech more friendly, Headline, YFile, Wednesday Oct 29, 2003.
Additional press coverage about the High-Dynamic Range Display project could be found on the Media Coverage page of company Brightside Technologies, which was spun out of UBC based on the results of the research project. Brighside Technologies is now a part of Dolby.
Display Brighter Than Film, Technology Research News Headline, Sept 10/17, 2003.
Display Brighter Than Film, ACM Technews, Sept 12, 2003.