Welcome to the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2007 (3DUI 2007), which took place in Charlotte, North Carolina on March 10-11, 2007. The symposium was held just before IEEE Virtual Reality 2007. The event owes its existence to a vibrant and productive research community in 3D user interfaces. This area has emerged from many different disciplines, including virtual reality, mixed and augmented reality, human-computer interaction, computer graphics, cognitive and perceptual psychology, and 3D games. 3DUI 2007 is sponsored by the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee and is the second symposium in this series and follows two successful IEEE VR workshops on this topic in 2004 and 2005 as well as 3DUI 2006.
The program co-chairs received 81 submissions in all areas of three-dimensional user interfaces. The review process was highly competitive and selective. This year, we changed the review process and involved an international program committee consisting of 18 experts in 3D user interfaces. Each submission received at least 4 reviews, two of which were from members of the international program committee and two from external reviewers. Reviewing was double-blind this year, and the identity of the authors was known only to the program chairs and the program committee member responsible for choosing external reviewers for the submission. The program committee members were often able to solicit reviews from some of the top experts in a particular area of research. In the end, we were able to accept 18 full papers and 7 technotes (short papers), which corresponds to an acceptance rate of 31%. The accepted papers cover a wide range of topics in 3D user interfaces, including navigation, 3D movement, 3D selection, devices, gestures, mixed & augmented reality, force-feedback interfaces, and entertainment. We would like to thank all people who made 3DUI 2007 possible. Special thanks go to the program committee members who donated their time to ensure a fair selection process. Additional thanks go to the external reviewers who participated in the review process. We also acknowledge the support by IEEE, the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee as well as the VR steering committee for support. Finally, we would like to thank Raimund Dachselt for handling the posters. Particular thanks go to IEEE VR's general chairs, especially Doug Bowman, for their great help with the organization of this event as well as the IEEE VR local arrangement chairs and other people involved in the local organization. Many thanks to James Stewart of Precision Conference Systems for his support of the reviewing process. Thanks also to Torsten Möller and especially Meghan Haley for creating the proceedings. Finally, we thank all the authors and researchers who submitted their work to the symposium.
We believe that 3DUI 2007 connects researchers of all backgrounds in 3D user interface research and collects and disseminates the best results in this area. Enjoy the symposium!