Modeling Fully and Partially Constrained Lasso Movements in a Grid of Icons

Modeling Fully and Partially Constrained Lasso Movements in a Grid of Icons Inproceedings

Shota Yamanaka, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger


Lassoing objects is a basic function in illustration software and presentation tools. Yet, for many common object arrangements lassoing is sometimes time-consuming to perform and requires precise pen operation. In this work, we studied lassoing movements in a grid of objects similar to icons. We propose a quantitative model to predict the time to lasso such objects depending on the margins between icons, their sizes, and layout, which all affect the number of stopping and crossing movements. Results of two experiments showed that our models predict fully and partially constrained movements with high accuracy. We also analyzed the speed profiles and pen stroke trajectories and identified deeper insights into user behaviors, such as that an unconstrained area can induce higher movement speeds even in preceding path segments.

Date of publication: May - 2019
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