Semantic Constraints for Scene Manipulation

Semantic Constraints for Scene Manipulation Inproceedings

Michael Goesele, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger


The creation of object models for computer graphics applications, such as interior design or the generation of animations is a labour-intensive process. Today's computer aided design (CAD) programs address the problem of creating geometric object models quite well. But almost all users find common tasks, such as quickly furnishing a room, hard to accomplish. One of the basic reasons is that manipulation of objects often does not yield the expected results.
This paper presents a new system that exploits knowledge about natural behavior of objects to provide simple and intuitive interaction techniques for object manipulation. Semantic constraints are introduced, which encapsulate such `common knowledge' about objects. Furthermore, we present a new way to automatically infer a scene hierarchy by dynamically grouping objects according to their constraint relationships.

Date of publication: Apr - 1999
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